Bassi. Created with Passion and Pride.
Bassi. Created with Passion and Pride.
A benchmark for quality and innovation in the dental equipment and supplies industry worldwide.
A Passion for Endo & Unrelenting Hard Work
A benchmark for quality and innovation in the dental equipment and supplies industry worldwide
State-of-the-Art Manufacturing
Led by a highly skilled and technical team of doctors and engineers, our state of the art manufacturing plant that creates Bassi instruments is certified with all international quality control agencies and undergoes regular audits to remain in strict compliance with international standards.
University Tested and Supported
Files and equipment created and desgined by Dr. Bassi and manufactured by Easy Equipamentos Odontológicos have been adopted by several undergraduate and post graduate programs as the endodontic file system of choice.
University Tested and Supported
Files and equipment created and desgined by Dr. Bassi and manufactured by Easy Equipamentos Odontológicos is proud to have been adopted by several undergraduate and post graduate programs as the endodontic file system of choice.