
Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences: Analysis of root canal organic tissue dissolution capacity


$55 | 48 パック

Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences March 2016

STUDY:  Analysis of root canal organic tissue dissolution capacity according to the type of irrigation solution and agitation technique



The study refers to Bassi Clean by its trade name in Brazil: EasyClean. 


About the Study:

The aim of this study was to analyze the dissolution capacity of pulp tissue according to the type of the irrigating solution and the agitation technique employed in the chemical protocol of endodontic instrumentation.


Highlights from the study:

“The use of ultrasonic system (p = 0.041) and Endoactivator® (p = 0.013) and Easy Clean® [Bassi Clean] systems (p = 0.040) resulted in a statistically significant difference. The combination of these devices with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite promoted greater dissolution capacity compared with the other two tested irrigators.”

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